Is Sickness From God?

An Introduction to the Disease Profiles Teaching from the For My Life Retreat

From a scriptural and spiritual perspective, the origin of disease has been much disputed. Some people believe that God gives us disease to test us, while others pass it off as just a result of living in a fallen world. Did you know that the Bible has insights into the spiritual root cause of disease, healing, and disease prevention? With these Biblical insights, God can help you identify the true cause of disease; the specific thought patterns that open the door to sickness and disease in your life, and lead you to health and wholeness in God.

The Disease Profiles teaching in the For My Life® course reveals the pathways to disease starting at the spirit level to influence your thoughts and down through the different systems of your body. Discover how the enemy uses negative thoughts, feelings, and emotions to overthrow the delicate balance of your body’s chemistry and cause diseases and disorders. This teaching bridges the gap between medical knowledge and Biblical insights about health and wholeness in God.

In this teaching, we address the following key points and more:

-What causes disease?

-What is God’s will concerning disease?

-How can people who love God get diseases?

-How can our thoughts affect our bodies?

-What does the Bible say about disease and healing?

-How can we overcome disease in our lives from a spiritual and Scriptural perspective?

Satan’s kingdom knows how to access our bodies to produce sickness and disease.

A primary tactic the enemy uses to cause disease in our bodies is to cause a broken spirit which may lead to a compromised immune system.

The Bible says: A merry heart doeth good [like] a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones. Proverbs 17:22 KJV

A broken heart is produced when we are separated from love either because someone who was supposed to love us would not or did not know how, or through rejection, mistreatment, abandonment, or loss. When God’s love is misrepresented to us, it opens the door to the enemy’s lies which are designed to lead us to a way of thinking that is contrary to God’s. This is often disguised as a method of self-protection through fear.

In the Disease Profiles teaching, we will help you recognize door points and traumas and the lies you may have agreed with that lead to a broken heart and body, and that have separated you from love and relationship with God, yourself, and others.

What is the significance of ‘dried bones’?

From medical science, we know that our bones contain the marrow, which is where our red and white blood cells are created as well as our platelets. All of these carry a vital function in maintaining a healthy body. Red blood cells carry oxygen to the cells and tissue in our body. White blood cells are part of our immune system, which helps fight off infectious diseases. And platelets help with blood clotting to protect us from excessive bleeding and aid in the healing process.

According to Proverbs 17:22 (KJV); if our spirit is broken, then the marrow of our bones and subsequently, our immune system may be compromised. As a result, disease and sickness can more easily spread through our bodies with little to no resistance.

Fear is a primary spiritual root in most diseases.

A broken heart produces fear. When we are separated from love at this level, fear is right there to join us. God created us with a type of fear that causes a fight or flight response in cases where we are in immediate danger. However, the enemy has produced a counterfeit to God’s design. The spirit of fear teaches us that we need to remain on alert; it projects trauma from our past, and potential danger, challenges, or failures into our future and causes us to focus on those. As a result, the chemicals that are released in a fight or flight situation continue to be secreted into our bodies over a long period of time producing feelings of anxiety and stress.

This can be detrimental to our health, compromising our immune system and thwarting the proper operation of various body functions like digestion, waste management, etc. In fact, there is hardly a part of our body that is not affected by the long-term presence of fear.

Fear is a form of faith.

Fear can hold back the hand of God from working in our lives because it is a form of faith. Fear and faith are equal in that they both project into your future, and they both demand to be fulfilled.

The Bible says that we are not made perfect in love if we have fear. A spirit of fear lies to us and tells us that God will not help us; it accuses God to us and tells us that He is not a good and loving Heavenly Father and that we have to protect ourselves.

There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love. 1 John 4:18 KJV

God wants to deliver us from fear.

The good news is that God has given us the tools in the Bible to overcome fear and its torment. He wants to restore us to peace in His love through the truth from His Word (the Bible) and the Holy Spirit’s influence on our hearts.

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7 KJV

God wants to help us overcome fear so that He can reestablish the power of faith in our lives. Faith grows over time as we learn to trust God more and more. A big part of the ministry of Be in Health® is restoring people to relationship with the Godhead; the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We provide thorough Biblical teaching so that you can better understand God’s true nature and how the Godhead wants to be involved in every area of your life.

We want to help you be an overcomer too!

Fear is just one of the many possible spiritual roots of disease. Through the Disease Profiles teaching and the other teachings in the For My Life Retreat, we will help you better understand how the enemy may have gained a foothold in your life through ways of thinking that are contrary to God’s ways.

Using the life-changing insights from the Bible, we will lead you to better understand Father God’s heart of love and compassion for you. We will help you recognize the different areas of your life that may be influenced by the enemy’s kingdom and replace his lies with truth from the Bible so that you will have a solid foundation to stand on as an overcomer. Another essential element of your healing journey is being restored to your identity in God as a beloved son or daughter. Powerful times of prayer and ministry are also provided so that you can be delivered from the works of the enemy, be recovered to God’s perfect will for your life, and bring glory to God.

Disease management is not our goal. Disease prevention and eradication is God’s will for your life.

Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. 3 John 1:2 KJV

Sickness and disease are not a punishment from God; they’re an indicator that something in your spirit isn’t lined up with God’s love and His nature. He wants to restore you to wholeness in Him. He wants to set you free from the bondage to sin and iniquity through the deception of the enemy so that He can gently lead you to healing in His love. Father God is full of compassion and grace and mercy if only we will seek Him and allow Him to do His work in our hearts by His Holy Spirit.

Will you join us?

The Be in Health Team invites you to join us on this life-changing journey of healing and restoration that we call the overcomers’ journey. We want to help you regain your life, overthrow the enemy’s works in the world, and be a successful overcomer. We are dedicated to fulfilling the vision and mission to establish generations of overcomers that God charged Dr. Henry W. Wright and Pastor Donna Wright with when they first began the ministry of Be in Health over 30 years ago.

The For My Life Retreat is a 5-day, intensive healing retreat where you can find healing in God for your spirit, soul, and body. It is a safe place to take time out for your life and to be renewed in your mind, spirit, and body by the truth from God’s Word.

We have also developed the For My Life Online Course, where you can participate with us from the comfort of your own home.

Be blessed and enjoy your overcomers’ journey!

The Be in Health Team

Find out more about our For My Life Retreats!

Here is a small clip from the For My Life Online Disease Profiles Teaching:

This article is part of the For My Life Sound Bite Series.

Check out these articles to learn more about the other teachings we offer and get more insights into spiritual discernment, the power of God’s love, and how He can heal you and help you become an overcomer!

Foundational Insights – This is the core foundational teaching that encompasses the heart and mission of the For My Life Retreat. On this foundation, the whole Retreat is built.

The Father’s Love – The number one most important thing for every person’s Overcomers’ Journey is to be restored to Father God’s Love. Without a relationship and trust with the Father, it is very difficult to move forward as an Overcomer.

8 Rs to Freedom – 8 steps to recognize and overcome the enemy’s influence in your life.

7 Steps to Sin – Discover the enemy’s strategy to lead you to sin and learn how to stop him at his game.

Godly Order – God has established an order of authority in His Kingdom. Discover how Godly Order will help restore you to peace in God and in your life.

Spirit World Realities – Learn how the enemy’s kingdom can operate in the earth and the Biblical origins of our spiritual enemy. This understanding will demystify Satan and his kingdom and help you defeat the fear of evil.

Separation – Learn how to recognize the enemy’s strategy to divide and destroy relationships and get smarter than him. You can recognize and hate the sin but still love the person just like God does for us.

Pathways of Thought – How can a spiritual kingdom influence our thoughts? Discover the pathway of thought from the spiritual through thoughts, feelings, and emotions to its effect on our physical health.

Water Baptism– Water Baptism is one of the sacraments of our faith. Discover why Water Baptism is an essential step in your Overcomers’ Journey.

Blocks to Healing – The Bible tells us that there are certain things that we can agree with that will get in the way of healing. Learn how to recognize and overcome these spiritual blocks to healing. And discover the surprising #1 Block to Healing.

Self Pity – Dr. Henry W. Wright often said that Self Pity is the superglue to hell that binds us to our past and prevents us from moving forward in our future. Learn how to discern this evil spirit and overcome it in your life!

Accusation – Accusation is a tool that the enemy uses to twist the truth and lead us into bondage to sin. Learn how to recognize and overcome the spirit of accusation in your life.

Bitterness – Learn the seven steps of bitterness, including unforgiveness, anger, violence, and murder. With these insights, you will be able to defeat this stronghold and operate in God’s forgiveness and peace.

Envy and Jealousy – Discover how Envy and Jealousy keep your eyes on the object of your desire to prevent you from trusting God and receiving His best for you.

Rejection – Learn how to overcome rejection in your life.

Occultism – Understanding Occultism and why we need to be free from it.

Unloving – Recognize if you are not giving and receiving love to God, yourself, and others. And learn how to walk in love as God intended.

Addictions – Learn what the Bible says about overcoming addictions. God wants to help us be free, and receive our comfort and identity from Him.

Fear – Fear is something that most of us have had to face at some point in our lives. Discover where Fear comes from, how to recognize it, and how to overcome it!

Walk OutWe have the freedom to walk out of things that have once bound us. Learn what is walk out, why it is important, and how to do it.


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What if spiritual and emotional healing were the keys to physical healing? Discover how our thoughts can affect our health and find healing in God.   Find God’s healing when you understand the root cause of disease. God wants to lead you to better health for your spirit, soul, and body.    Improve your health by learning how to line up the way you think with God’s ways. God wants to lead you to health and wellness in Him for your whole spirit, soul, and body.

By Be in Health| 2023-08-04T11:40:30-05:00 February 18th, 2022|For My Life Series|0 Comments