City of Refuge 2024-10-17T08:40:45-05:00

What is City of Refuge?

City of Refuge is an annual celebratory gift from us to you where you can attend the full For My Life Retreat at a minimal cost.

Dr. Henry W. Wright desired to restore all of God’s people to health and wholeness in God. He felt led to establish the City of Refuge as a way to meet the needs of more people. Though he has gone to be with the Lord, we want to continue his legacy and honor his heart of love and compassion.

Over the years, For My Life has developed into a world-renowned resource for healing and recovery for tens of thousands of people. Its fundamental teachings lead the attendee to a better understanding of God’s love, who He is, and their identity in Him. With this foundation, the For My Life Retreat helps people understand how the enemy operates in their lives through thoughts, feelings, and emotions to produce disease and cause separation in relationship with God, themselves, and others. Then we teach how to recognize and overcome the enemy’s work in their lives so that they can walk in the wholeness of life that God intended for them.

The For My Life Retreat has produced time tested results with healing and recovery from all types of diseases and disorders including, but not limited to: allergies, autoimmune diseases, cancers, heart diseases, and muscular-skeletal issues. Not only have we seen incredible results with physical problems but also with emotional and psychological issues such as depression, addictions, bipolar, multiple personality disorder, anxiety disorders, and many more.


Retreat Pricing and Information

We are offering City of Refuge twice this year, registration is available on a first-come, first-served basis for each program, and seating is limited to 200 per class. The cost is a $75 per person administration fee that is non-refundable. We fill up fast every December, so register now!

If you come to the December 2 City of Refuge, you may stay for Walk Out Workshop (WOW) the following week.

Stay for the December WOW!

After For My Life, the next step is the Walk Out Workshop. The term walk out refers to the journey of walking out of the old life of disease and hopelessness and into a new life of health and wholeness. During this one week workshop our team and attendees roll up their sleeves and begin to get really interactive with the principles from For My Life.

We will talk about things like: how to not go into guilt when we fall short, becoming established in our identity, overcoming temptation, how to forgive when you’ve been hurt, and learning to walk in the Father’s Love. Break out groups, lots of Q & A, and continued healing of your spirit, soul, and body are all part of this amazing week.

This year, after the December 2 City of Refuge week, we are also offering a special deal for the Walk Out Workshop:

The December 9-13 WOW is discounted: only $199/person. If you stay in our accommodations for the December 2 City of Refuge week and the following WOW week, you will also get a free night of lodging ($99 savings). You must register early in order to reserve accommodations with us.

Bruce and Kris’s testimony after attending the city of refuge

We came to City of Refuge and it blew away all our expectations! 

We had been through For My Life many years ago, but it was definitely time for a refresher. We were both touched by a new understanding of the Father’s Love for us. The main thing I took away from the week was to trust God, and to stop allowing lies to steal my knowing that God has everything in His hands—and He has me and my best interest in His heart.

No matter what things look or feel like, God’s love can be counted on if we just trust Him. Bruce was healed of back pain that he had for many months. I was healed of dizziness and imbalance that was debilitating and often interfered with my everyday life. All of the classes were outstanding, and the staff was so transparent and caring. We can’t wait to go back again and see what else God has in store for us.

Kris, OC Member

God is so good! What He’s done for Bruce and Kris and tens of thousands of others, He can do for you too! He wants to join you on your journey to recovery as you learn the truth from His Word and apply it to your life. Join us for the City of Refuge and find real solutions for every situation you are facing.

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