The 8Rs to Freedom – 8 Steps to Victory Over Sin

Do you ever feel like there are certain strongholds of sin in your life that you can’t get the victory over? Perhaps you struggle with fear and guilt, or maybe anger feels like it’s out of control sometimes. We want you to know that God has provided real solutions for your freedom in His Word. The 8 Rs to Freedom teaching is a Biblical resource that will lead you through the steps to victory over sin so that you can be an overcomer. The 8 Rs are not an equation or a mantra; instead, they are a guideline to apply as God helps you discern the enemy’s lies and recover yourself from his snare.

The purpose of being an overcomer is not just to get you off the hook but to heal and restore your relationships with God, yourself, and others. The wonderful fruit that comes from this is emotional and spiritual freedom and even physical healing!

Today, join Pastor Donna as she introduces the first three Rs to freedom. This is in an excerpt from the full teaching called the 8 Rs to Freedom. These are eight words that begin with the letter ‘R’ that you need to know to help you get the victory over sin.

Here are a few key points that this teaching addresses:

– How does repentance influence our relationship with God, ourselves, and others?

– What does the Bible say about sin and how are we supposed to deal with it in our lives?

– When we recognize a sin issue in our lives, what does moving on really mean?

– What does overcoming sin have to do with our health?

– What’s the difference between taking responsibility for our sin and justifying ourselves?

– Why is overcoming a journey and not just a one-time event?

– How can we overcome sin issues in our life?


Restoration in God is crucial for victory over sin.

God does not want you to be overcome with fear, guilt, and shame from your past and current sin issues. Neither does He condemn you or hold them over your heads. In Psalm 103:12 (KJV), the Bible says, “As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us.”

What God does want to do is to help you recognize and properly deal with sin issues in your life so that He can restore you to Himself. Jesus died to overthrow sin and iniquity in our lives, but we still need to apply that gift through faith and the power of the Holy Spirit.

God wants the best for you

God does not want to share you with the enemy; He wants to prepare you to receive His blessings. The wonder of God’s love and tender mercies towards you is that He does not expect you to figure it all out on your own; He provides discernment and direction in His Word.

Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance? Romans 2:4 KJV

The 8 Rs to freedom teaching pulls together these scriptural principles in a simple, memorable way that you can apply to your overcomer journey. You don’t have to be pushed around by the enemy anymore; it’s time to get the victory over sin!

Today is the day to start your overcomer journey!

We invite you to join us on this exciting journey of healing and restoration that we call the overcomer’s journey. We are dedicated to fulfilling the vision and mission that God charged Dr. Henry W. Wright and Pastor Donna Wright with when they started this ministry, to establish generations of overcomers.

The For My life Retreat is a life-changing, week-long, intensive healing retreat where you can find healing in God for your spirit, soul, and body. We have also developed the For My Life Online course, where you can participate with us from the comfort of your own home.

Be blessed and enjoy the journey!

The Be in Health Team

Find out more HERE!

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This article is part of the For My Life Sound Bite Series.

Check out these articles to learn more about the other teachings we offer and get more insights into spiritual discernment, the power of God’s love, and how He can heal you and help you become an overcomer!

Foundational Insights – This is the core foundational teaching that encompasses the heart and mission of the For My Life Retreat. On this foundation, the whole Retreat is built.

The Father’s Love – The number one most important thing for every person’s Overcomers’ Journey is to be restored to Father God’s Love. Without a relationship and trust with the Father, it is very difficult to move forward as an Overcomer.

7 Steps to Sin – Discover the enemy’s strategy to lead you to sin and learn how to stop him at his game.

Godly Order – God has established an order of authority in His Kingdom. Discover how Godly Order will help restore you to peace in God and in your life.

Spirit World Realities – Learn how the enemy’s kingdom can operate in the earth and the Biblical origins of our spiritual enemy. This understanding will demystify Satan and his kingdom and help you defeat the fear of evil.

Separation – Learn how to recognize the enemy’s strategy to divide and destroy relationships and get smarter than him. You can recognize and hate the sin but still love the person just like God does for us.

Pathways of Thought – How can a spiritual kingdom influence our thoughts? Discover the pathway of thought from the spiritual through thoughts, feelings, and emotions to its effect on our physical health.

Disease Profiles – Discover the possible spiritual roots that can lead to specific disease classes.

Water Baptism– Water Baptism is one of the sacraments of our faith. Discover why Water Baptism is an essential step in your Overcomers’ Journey.

Blocks to Healing – The Bible tells us that there are certain things that we can agree with that will get in the way of healing. Learn how to recognize and overcome these spiritual blocks to healing. And discover the surprising #1 Block to Healing.

Self Pity – Dr. Henry W. Wright often said that Self Pity is the superglue to hell that binds us to our past and prevents us from moving forward in our future. Learn how to discern this evil spirit and overcome it in your life!

Accusation – Accusation is a tool that the enemy uses to twist the truth and lead us into bondage to sin. Learn how to recognize and overcome the spirit of accusation in your life.

Bitterness – Learn the seven steps of bitterness, including unforgiveness, anger, violence, and murder. With these insights, you will be able to defeat this stronghold and operate in God’s forgiveness and peace.

Envy and Jealousy – Discover how Envy and Jealousy keep your eyes on the object of your desire to prevent you from trusting God and receiving His best for you.

Rejection – Learn how to overcome rejection in your life.

Occultism – Understanding Occultism and why we need to be free from it.

Unloving – Recognize if you are not giving and receiving love to God, yourself, and others. And learn how to walk in love as God intended.

Addictions – Learn what the Bible says about overcoming addictions. God wants to help us be free, and receive our comfort and identity from Him.

Fear – Fear is something that most of us have had to face at some point in our lives. Discover where Fear comes from, how to recognize it, and how to overcome it!

Walk OutWe have the freedom to walk out of things that have once bound us. Learn what is walk out, why it is important, and how to do it.


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8 Scriptural Steps for how to walk in spiritual freedom and find hope in your overcomer journey.

By Be in Health| 2023-08-04T09:47:46-05:00 November 2nd, 2020|For My Life Series|0 Comments

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