Dr. Henry W. Wright – A Life Well Lived and Not Easily Forgotten
Dr. Henry W. Wright will be remembered for a great many things. His contributions to the health and welfare of the body of Christ were invaluable and continue to bear the wonderful fruit of healing and deliverance throughout the world. Yet to those who knew him, he was a genuine, sincere man who truly cared for each individual that he encountered.
He was fun-loving, with a sense of humor that could sometimes fly under the radar and other times catch you completely off guard. He deeply loved his wife, Pastor Donna Wright, his family, and his extended church family. And though he liked to keep the atmosphere light and encouraging, he took his role as a shepherd of the church very seriously.
He was a man with many names. To his church flock, he was Pastor Henry, to his children he was Dad, to his grandchildren he was Papa, yet he always maintained that he should be called Biscuit. He’d say that was because he was a little bit crusty on the outside but really soft on the inside and a little bit flaky. That was just one of his many ‘Henryisms,’ as his goofy quips were affectionately labeled.
Henry W. Wright’s far-reaching impact
It would be impossible to measure the impact he had on the lives of the people around him. His heart was to lead others to wholeness and peace in the love of God, and He did his best to represent God’s love in all that he did. He would frequently say, “Healing is just a bonus. Our relationship with Father God, the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit is the most important thing that makes everything else work.”
He’d also say that he was just a guy doing what God told him to do. He didn’t have to prove that he was something special; he wanted to lead others to God’s love. Yet, because he yielded to God, God was able to use him mightily as a vessel for the furtherance of His Kingdom.
Henry W. Wright – the President and Founder of Be in Health Global
Dr. Wright was the president and founder of Be in Health® Global and Hope of the Generations Church (formerly Pleasant Valley Church). Together, Henry and Donna Wright faithfully taught and ministered to those that God sent to them. They also traveled all over the world, teaching conferences and ministering. Over time, God led them to establish the For My Life® Retreat and other subsequent retreats and conferences. These have led tens of thousands of people to restoration and healing in God as they learned the spiritual roots of disease and applied the scriptural truth to their lives.
Henry W. Wright – the Author
Dr. Wright’s first book, A More Excellent Way, was initially self-published, yet it became a bestseller on the Christian book marketplace, selling hundreds of thousands of copies worldwide. This book has helped thousands of people recover from the devastation of disease and find healing in God. A More Excellent Way is also translated into seven languages.
The book he published shortly before he went on to be with the Lord entitled, Exposing the Spiritual Roots of Disease, has already become an invaluable resource. He also left a wealth of insights and teachings that teach God’s people how to walk as victorious overcomers in health and wholeness in every area of their lives – spirit, soul, and body.
Becoming Dr. Henry W. Wright
Because of his extensive Biblical and medical research and understanding, he earned an honorary doctorate of therapeutic counseling from Chesapeake Bible College. He understood that we were more than just physical and psychological beings, we are also very spiritual after the image of God. That understanding was groundbreaking in helping people be recovered to wholeness in God in their whole being. He went on to develop the groundbreaking field of study called PneumaPsychoSomatology®, which studies the connection between the spirit, soul, and body according to the Bible.
Henry W. Wright’s passion for the Body of Christ
One particular area that Dr. Wright had a tremendous passion for was recovering the church to the original vision that God designed for it according to the model in the book of Acts. Thus he established ACTS Global (Association of Churches Teaching and Serving) to help establish like-minded church fellowships worldwide using the church he founded, Hope of the Generations Church, in Thomaston, Georgia as his model. He wanted Hope of the Generations Church and the ACTS Churches to be a place where all generations were not just welcomed but active together. He’d say that it is in those times of fellowship, of watching the church body care for each other, that the seed of faith is deposited in the next generation.
A school for spiritual and academic growth
Another venture that Dr. Wright established is the Overcomers’ Academy. It is a Pre-K to 12th-grade school for the children that attend Hope of the Generation Church in Thomaston, Georgia. His vision was to create a safe environment where the children would not only learn academics but also grow up in the Biblical and spiritual Be in Health principles. It has worked to bring the church body even closer together and has been a tremendous blessing for all the families who participate.
Henry W. Wright’s personal history
Henry W. Wright was born in Maine in 1944. He was a ‘preacher’s kid’ growing up, yet he was driven far from God for many years. However, there was a seed of faith sown by his mother, who, when he was very young, nearly died of cancer. At church one Sunday, God led her to repent for bitterness, and she cried out to Him and was completely healed. She went on to live another thirty-three years, and though she prayed faithfully for her son, Henry, to be saved, she died without seeing the fruit of her faith accomplished.
When Henry was forty years old, God met his heart in a powerful way, and he rededicated his life to the Lord. From there on, God led him on an incredible, transformative journey to become the man that he was called to be.
Henry married Donna Wright in 1993, and they added two daughters to their blended family to make a total of nine children. He had thirty-three grandchildren and three great-grandchildren at the time of his passing.
A love that inspired many
Henry and Donna had a truly remarkable relationship; their love for each other was notable and evident. Donna once said, “We did not have a perfect marriage, but we had the perfect one for us. We truly were one flesh.” Henry took great pleasure in making her smile, his goal and greatest reward was seeing her dimples flash and her eyes sparkle. Above all, he diligently poured into Pastor Donna and helped strengthen her in the absolute truth of the Word and the love of God.
Henry W. Wright’s homecoming
On November 18, 2019, Dr. Henry W. Wright went home to be with the Lord due to complications related to a routine heart procedure. Soon after he passed away, Pastor Donna heard God very clearly assure her, “He’s with me, and he’s good. I have, through Henry, deposited a part of who he was in every member of your eldership. And because of that, you’re going to be able to keep moving forward.”
Carrying on the ministry and legacy of Dr. Henry W. Wright
Although Dr. Henry’s passing was unexpected, it did not catch his team off guard. For over five years, the Wrights and the board of elders had established a plan to carry Be in Health and Hope of the Generations Church into the future. Dr. Henry was passionate that the ministry he founded would not end with him but would continue in every generation to accomplish the Father’s will for mankind.
His legacy will continue to bring healing and restoration to many more people. He put his hand to the plow and did not look back; he kept the faith and finished his course on the earth. Although we all greatly miss his presence with us, the day he went home to the Lord was the happiest day of his life. We rejoice with him on his graduation, and now it’s our responsibility to continue submitting ourselves to God so that we too can be His vessels to complete the Lord’s work here.
Dear Family of the Father and Friends,
If you are reading this letter, it means that I have departed to be with my Father and the LORD Jesus in heaven, where others before me in Christ have gone to await the First Resurrection.
I put my hand to the plow while here, did not look back, and have finished the course here on the earth. I have kept the faith and learned how to be an overcomer as the LORD in Revelation Chapters 2, and 3 instructed us to do.
While this stage of my earthly work is completed, I wanted you to know my thoughts and my heart as if I could still speak to each of you personally today.
Friends and fellow laborers, while this messenger is gone, the message and vision must continue. What God birthed in knowledge and wisdom is critical to the reformation and transformation of precious people that the Father loves here in the earth while it is yet still called day. That is the power of the gospel. The calling out and the preservation of the seed of God, His sons, His daughters, His Family, and the betrothed eternal wife of Christ, the Church.
I have seen from the beginning in the Word, God’s plan for the future. Out of every generation, he has and is calling them by his Spirit out of the families and the cities unto himself.
My mission, and I trust your mission also, will be to join the vision and mission of Hope of the Generations Church and Be in Health as like-minded friends and laborers to establish the Church and generations of overcomers. This exhortation to you is not about me, but it is about all of us. Together we can do this for Him.
I have been in awe over the years of faithfulness of those who have supported the ministry. On behalf of the Father and the LORD Jesus, I thank you for your past, present, and continued future financial and personal support to what God has birthed on behalf of the generations through Hope of the Generations Church and Be in Health. This team is dedicated to continuing the vision and the mission and will need your prayers and support in these trying times.
I am thrilled to see the Be in Health partners that have taken a stand with us and said: “Here I am, LORD, use me.” The fields are white to harvest, but the laborers are few. Many speak of their own value and worth, but a faithful man, who can find? This exciting ministry will continue to need and rely on dedicated, like-minded people like yourself, locally and worldwide – for the mission of Be in Health is global for all peoples and all languages for His glory and praise.
For those dedicated team members that “make it happen,” my hat’s off to all of you… Thanks for your faithfulness, dedication to the mission, and sometimes unseen applause for your efforts. Your reward will be great in heaven, for without the team members, it would not have been possible for me to get too much done by myself. You will be needed and appreciated in the future as the mission of Hope of the Generations Church and Be in Health will continue with great enthusiasm and vigor. I pray that the Father strengthens you by his Spirit, daily.
For those members of the Hope of the Generations Church family, what can I say? Unity in Diversity. Is that possible? You made it more than possible. Out of your weakness, He was made strong through you. You have set the standard for believing, loving, forgiving, and overcoming in spite of the enemy of our souls. It has been more than a pleasure to be your senior pastor, to guard your souls, and to lead you into green pastures for his name’s sake. Keep up the good work, keep the faith, and endure all things in Him.
My desire for all is that the vision and mission for God continue unabated through this church, ministry, and A.C.T.S. Global churches that the will of the Father may be accomplished for mankind. Mankind will need all of you. This is not about me; it is about Him and you. Go, Team!
Love and Regards in Him always,
Dr. Henry W. Wright
Senior Pastor of Hope of the Generations Church
Founder of Be in Health
Founder of A.C.T.S Global