Fear is a Choice

Discover the benefits of health and wholeness as you choose to trust God and allow Him to help you overcome all your fears.

Living in fear is a form of bondage, and its effects stretch beyond our mental health into our physical health. The Bible has valuable insights for overcoming fear. Fear isn’t always something you can just battle through by your own willpower. Many times God’s love has to join a person to heal their heart and sustain them so that they can feel safe again in Him. Fear is a choice, just as trusting God is a choice. It may not be an easy journey to overcome fear, but when you hold on to God, trusting Him that He will faithfully and gently lead you out of that snare of the enemy, you will find that more and more peace will come into your life. He will help you meet life’s challenges with dignity, faith, and strength.

Trusting God is a choice of faith that we get to make daily, in every circumstance, so that we will not be ruled by our feelings, situation, or even other people. The excellent reward of being led by our loving Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit is peace, hope, sanity, and joy. As our spirit finds rest in God, so will our body, and we will be able to walk in health and wholeness as we continue to follow Him and seek His will and His ways.

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7 KJV

God’s love overcomes fear.

The more we seek God’s love for ourselves and ask Him to give us His love for others, the less power fear will have in our lives. Because in love, we are no longer concerned about ‘self-preservation’ but instead about trusting God and caring for others. Overcoming fear is switching our spirit from serving the Kingdom of self to serving God in love.

When God is our source rather than our circumstances or other people, we will find renewed strength in our spirit in tackling life’s challenges, not as victims but as overcomers. Our refuge and safety must remain in God in faith that He will lead us through every trial and challenge and make us stronger on the other side. This powerful truth will turn the tables on the enemy and deliver us from his grip of bondage in fear.

There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love. 1 John 4:18 KJV

Read Ashley’s testimony of how God gave her the revelation for her heart to overcome fear, strengthen her, and heal her even through life’s challenges.

My sister lived in Georgia and worked with a ministry that was familiar with Be in Health. Because of this, she and my mom went to the For My Life Retreat. I was very, very sick at the time. They encouraged me to go, but I refused even to consider it for about eight years. I then got desperate, and, in 2012, I finally decided to attend the For My Life Retreat.

A few months later, after my second visit to Thomaston, I walked out of every disease diagnosis. I came off every medication, and I was on some massive doses of scary medicine. I have not taken another dose of any prescription that I was on or had a relapse of symptoms; I just completely walked out of all my diseases.

Medicine could only help me manage my symptoms.

The big one that caused the most suffering was the chronic fatigue syndrome, which had been going on for over a decade. I also dealt with hyperhidrosis, which caused profuse sweating all the time. In addition, I battled anxiety, depression, migraines, and severe endometriosis. To manage the endometriosis, I was put into medically induced menopause for over three and a half years to shut down my reproductive system because they said, “You’ll never have children. We can’t do surgery again; we need to shut it down.” Thankfully, the doctors wouldn’t do a complete hysterectomy, but I was deemed infertile.

God has the final word!

Since I was healed, I delivered my fourth child, a little girl, and I have two other daughters. Our son is in heaven, but he was naturally conceived and rests in the arms of the Father now. I don’t live in a prison any longer. I will not deny that life is just very hard but in a different way than before because I didn’t have the tools then. Now I have tools, and I practice using them more often.

The bottom line is when I quit doing what was making me sick and participating with what was keeping me in bondage; I got to walk out of that. That freedom has a cost because you have to work at your freedom daily. But now, I feel so equipped to do it, and there are layers of uncovering who I am. By discovering who I am, I walk in God’s design more wholly than I ever have.

Fear is a choice, but I choose to continue to walk in freedom from fear

It’s hard to explain what freedom feels like until you’ve understood bondage, but I’m free now! After eight years, I came back to the For My Life Retreat for a tune-up and recognized even more things that I’d like to walk out of. It helps to have a tune-up to sharpen your spiritual weapons.

A key principle that helped me overcome was learning that fear is a choice, and it’s a sin when you choose to participate with it and to be led by it. I am still seeing new layers of where fear was ingrained in my life.

There is hope for you too!

If I could talk to myself nine years ago, I would say, “You’ve been lied to. This is not reality. What you believe is not your reality, and it doesn’t have to stay this way. There is a better way. There is hope. And if you open yourself to believe that God the Father really does love you, there is a better way for you. You have freedom waiting for you if you would take hold of it.” So put down your defenses, take hold of that freedom, and hope for something you’ve never seen or witnessed. And believe that it can be true for yourself because I am no more special than anyone else on this planet. God doesn’t love me more, and He healed me. I am beloved, but so is everyone else.

Healing requires vulnerability before God.

My healing didn’t come because I did more, am worth more, or am loved more. It came because I put down my defenses, and I was willing to reach out in the dark and take hold of something someone told me was available. And that’s it, that’s all you have to do; it’s not a unique formula. What the For My Life Retreat has to offer all comes from scripture, and you have to believe it to receive it. Get to For My Life. Just get to Thomaston, GA, and quit making excuses. I left four children, five and under. I had family help me watch them. I just had to come, and you have to come.

The For My Life Retreat will change your life too!

I would take a week at the For My Life Retreat over the best beach resort vacation or mountain getaway because you’re going to come home from everywhere else with your stuff. But you don’t come home from Be in Health with your stuff. You get to leave it in Thomaston, and you may need to be away from your home to get what God has for you. In Thomaston, you take time out for your life to get away from the distractions and the responsibilities.

God will help you overcome the obstacles.

I know it’s hard. I am not disqualifying anyone’s obligations, but I want you to know that life goes on without you, and you can take one week to get here. It will be the best investment of your time, energy, and money. Your family will be so much better for it. Your workplace, your church, everyone in your world will be so much better for it, and you will, too. It’s a win-win for everybody. I can’t wait to come back!

-Ashley E.

Are you ready to take the first step to your healing journey?

Be in Health is more than just a healing ministry; we want to lead you into wholeness in God for your spirit, soul, and body. With over thirty years of experience teaching and ministering to the Body of Christ, we have developed many teachings and resources to help you on your overcomers’ journey. Below are some of the things that we offer that may be helpful to you.

God's cure for disease has been in the Bible all along and it starts by understanding and receiving God's love. The For My Life Retreat is a safe place to find healing in God for your spirit, soul, and body.For My Life Retreat

The For My life Retreat is a 5-day, intensive healing retreat where you can find healing in God for your spirit, soul, and body. We have also developed the For My Life Online Course, where you can participate with us from the comfort of your own home.

The For My Life teachings will lead you through a journey of better understanding God’s love, who He is, and your identity in Him. Building on this foundation, the teachings will help you understand how the enemy may be operating in your life through ungodly thoughts, feelings, and emotions in order to produce disease and to cause separation in relationship with God, yourself, and others.

You will learn how to recognize and overcome the iniquity in your life so that you can walk in the wholeness of life that God intended for you.


Discover the Biblical insights that can heal you in your spirit, soul, and body in Dr. Henry W. Wright's book, A More Excellent Way. God wants to cure your disease and lead you to health and wholeness in Him. A More Excellent Way

Dr. Henry W. Wright’s book, A More Excellent Way, is our number one resource, selling over 300,000 copies worldwide. It is an excellent, comprehensive introduction to the possible spiritual root causes behind diseases and how to overcome them in your life. Included in the back of the book are 150 healing testimonies and a FREE teaching DVD.


Have you ever wondered where disease comes from? Dr. Henry W. Wright explores what the Bible has to say about the spiritual root causes of disease, healing, and disease prevention in his life-changing book, Exposing the Spiritual Roots of Disease.Exposing the Spiritual Roots of Disease

In Exposing the Spiritual Roots of Disease, Dr. Wright presents a thoroughly Biblical and compelling case for healing. If you think you’ve read all you need to know about healing, it’s time to take another look! Dr. Wright clearly shows that disease is not a random occurrence and that science and medicine have their place in dealing with illness but can only offer disease management. What if the answers to true healing have been in the Bible all along?

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Find out how to let go of fear and learn how to trust God and receive His love in a whole new way. Plus read Ashley’s testimony of healing from endometriosis and overcoming fear.  Learn how to trust the Lord even deeper and overcome fear in your life. He can renew your hope for healing and increase your joy.

By Be in Health| 2022-01-21T14:15:49-05:00 January 21st, 2022|Testimony, Uncategorized|0 Comments
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