You Can Overcome Depression

Biblical Insights for Freedom from Depression

It’s safe to say that depression is a serious issue in our modern society. Statistics show that over 8% of Americans ages 20 and up, that’s around 26 million, struggle with depression.1 Depression is also the leading cause of disability in the United States among people ages 15-44. Regrettably, depression can also lead to suicide which is the second leading cause of death in America.2 Are these people defective? Did God make a mistake in how He wired their brains? Or is there something sinister going on behind the scenes that is altering their mood and leading to dysfunction in their lives? At Be in Health®, we not only teach about the root causes behind depression but also how to overcome depression once and for all.

What is depression?

It must first be noted that depression is not an actual biological disease. There is nothing biologically wrong with a person who struggles with depression. Depression is considered a syndrome. The person’s biochemistry may be off but there is no evidence of something physically wrong with their body. So it is necessary to dig deeper than just the surface issue.

Where does depression come from?

One additional statistic that lends a clue into where depression comes from is that the prevalence of depression decreased as family income levels increased.1 We could ascertain, therefore, that depression may have something to do with life circumstances. However, that is not entirely accurate. What this comes down to is the way we deal with or cope with our reality.

When we find ourselves in a negative situation or in the midst of adversity, we may have negative feelings about the situation. That is perfectly normal. However, when those feelings become a prolonged state of being and we become fixated on the negativity, our mood can be altered long-term. Our body responds accordingly and will inhibit the release of the “feel good” chemicals in the brain like serotonin and dopamine. Then we may feel bad much of the time and not understand why.

It feels like you’re battling yourself but…

When we look at the manifestations of depression, we see deep feelings of sadness, anxiety, emptiness, hopelessness, helplessness, worthlessness, guilt, irritability, shame, self-pity, and/or restlessness.

Here’s where it is essential to understand the spiritual roots of disease. The Word says that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:12 KJV

Although these negative things may manifest in the physical, we know that there is a setup by the enemy, behind the scenes. He wants to lead us away from God’s love, and the good fruits of His righteousness: peace, hope, joy, etc. Therefore, we can discern that when we have these sustained feelings or moods that come along with depression, they are not from God. Somewhere in our life, we have come out of agreement with God’s ways in how He thinks, speaks, and acts and into agreement with something that is contrary to God’s ways.

The root of the issue and its consequences

At Be in Health®, we know that 80% of disease is spiritually rooted and comes out of a breakdown in relationship with God, ourselves, and/or others. Depression is no exception. In fact, depression may involve a breakdown at all three of these levels. Depression will lead to isolation and cause a person to withdraw from others. It may cause them to feel bad about themselves; they may feel like a failure, worthless, or guilty. It will also draw them away from God so that they are unable to fellowship with Him in thankfulness and joy because the enemy has them fixated on everything that is bad in their lives. In fact, the enemy may even influence them to accuse God and blame Him for their struggles.

How do we choose to deal with life?

Everyone will face adversity or less than ideal circumstances at some time or another in their life. People may treat us badly or belittle us. Perhaps our life’s circumstances never lived up to our expectations. We may lose a loved one or lose something that meant a lot to us. The challenge is in how we choose to deal with these situations. The Word of God says that we are to cast all of our cares on Him because He cares for us. That is not some of our cares. It’s ALL of them; every little thing. God needs to be our filter so that He can lead us out of the adversity, not as victims but as victorious overcomers.

Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. 1 Peter 5:7 KJV

The enemy would love to join us in these circumstances as well and try to get us to come into agreement with fear, guilt, shame, bitterness, resentment, and victimization; whatever he can use to draw us away from God’s love, peace, and safety.

Every challenging situation is a battleground to choose between two kingdoms, God’s Kingdom, or the enemy’s. What we choose to dwell on and focus on becomes our reality and our bodies respond accordingly.

Finding your identity is a major step to overcoming depression

Here is where our identity is so important. If we know who we are as sons and daughters of God; if we are able to find our peace and rest and safety in our loving Heavenly Father, the temporary circumstances of life are not going to be able to pull us down long-term. The truth is, with God’s help, as He ministers to our hearts and strengthens us by His Holy Spirit, we will come out at the end of every adversity stronger and healthier than we were before. This is His promise for us if we come to Him and develop a relationship with Him and seek His ways with all of our hearts. He wants us to lay those old things from the past down and move forward into the wholeness of life that He’s prepared for us.

Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:14-14 KJV

It’s not too late to overcome depression!

The good news is that it is not too late. No matter where we are in this journey. When we recognize where we’ve listened to the lies of the enemy that have tried to separate us from the love of God, our self and others, we can repent and begin to walk out of those old ways. We can renew our minds by reading the Word of God. We can practice casting all of our worries and cares on Him. And we can practice thankfulness which is a powerful weapon against the enemy to establish God’s goodness in our lives. These are a few simple ways to begin your process of overcoming. It is a process and will take patience and endurance but God is so faithful. He has used the principles from His Word that we teach at Be in Health to heal and deliver tens of thousands of others and He would love to do that for you as well.

Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits: Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases. Psalm 103:2-3 KJV

You are not alone!

You don’t have to do this on your own. At Be in Health®, we are committed to teaching, discipline, and helping God’s people recover so that they can be completely restored in their spirit, soul, and body.

Valuable resources.

For more information on depression, our conference called, “Overcoming Depression,” By Dr. Henry W. Wright, is available to watch at this link. We also have the book by the same name in our bookstore. These are valuable resources to help people understand where depression comes from, how it affects us, and how to overcome it once and for all.

Be encouraged and fix your hope and faith in this:

Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. 1 John 4:4 KJV


The Be in Health® Team


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By Be in Health| 2022-03-31T09:24:45-05:00 December 31st, 2018|Mental Illness|0 Comments
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