Be in Health Principles Applied

I do not like to go to the doctor. I had never had good experiences. So when my new insurance insisted I get a primary care doctor I made an appointment. It was apparent that I had come a very long way in this area because I had no fear surrounding the appointment that was a month away.

2 weeks prior to the appointment, I noticed that my mid abdomen would get really tired by 5-6 pm and I would have to lay down for the aggravating symptoms to go away. I didn’t think anything of it, I just laid down.

My appointment was at 9:00 a.m., so I went before work. I fully expected it would be an “in and out” type of thing. Two and a half hours later I was still there. My history was quite long and “colorful” what with mini-strokes, digestive problems, mental issues, food addictions, heart murmur, etc. there was lots of stuff. But it was really fun because I had been healed from all of that. The Doctor and her assistant were quite amazed at this nearly 60-year-old woman’s transformation. It was a blast talking about Be in Health® and how I had overcome them all!

At the end of the appointment, she asked if I had anything going on right now. I remembered the aggravating symptom around my navel so I told her that. I also said I wasn’t worried but it was cramping my active lifestyle. So she examined my tummy while saying, “It could be your liver, pancreas, gallbladder…” then she stopped and called another person to come and “see this” (a pulsating bulge). Then solemnly she said I needed to get an ultrasound as soon as she could set it up to confirm an abdominal aortic aneurysm. AND I KID YOU NOT, the first thought that came in my mind was, “Well that’s not true, the bible says I have at least 80 years and then a little trouble”(Psalms 90:10).

 It wasn’t that I had to choose to not be scared, I wasn’t. I didn’t have to ask God to please give me faith, I WAS faith! They took all kinds of blood and set up the ultrasound. I left the office and forgot all about it. I didn’t even remember to tell my husband about it. I was busy, so was he.

The next morning on the way to work I had a horrible flashback. I hadn’t had anything like that in at least 4 years. I hate that memory, I hate it, I hate it, I hate it! I screamed and even took my hands off the wheel. But I grabbed the wheel again and I said out loud, “That is NOT me! I DO NOT agree with that! That is not happening and it will NEVER happen again! I AGREE WITH GOD!!!!!” I repented for the anguish, fear, and bitterness that surrounded that memory and I thanked my Father (God) the rest of the way to work that I had been delivered from all that torment.

That is when I called my husband who is the best ever! I told him about the flashback and the diagnosis from the Doctor for the reason only to inform him. He didn’t skip a beat, he released me from the flashback and the spirits and curse that came from that trauma and then he prayed for my body to be healed from the effects of it. I had the ultrasound, went about my business and from that point all the symptoms went away.

Later that week, the nurse called and said my blood work was perfect. The next day the Dr. called and was all excited that there was no aneurysm to be found! I was not surprised, it wasn’t even a  big deal, it was the way God said it would be if I trusted and obeyed His ways. I didn’t put it all together until that Friday night at church when Pastor Henry was talking about applying what we had learned. And that is what I had done, not even trying, it just flowed out of me. I was thinking, speaking and responding the way I was created to:

  1. I was grateful and gave testimony to what God had already done during the history, without the need to prove God.
  2. I was honest about what was going on without fear or embellishment or minimizing.
  3. I had hidden a lot of Word in my heart so it came out naturally when needed.
  4. I didn’t go into fear when I heard the diagnosis. I believed what the Word of God said with no doubt!
  5. I followed the Doctor’s orders without fear or need to prove God to anybody.
  6. This is important – when the enemy tried to take me down an old pathway, I didn’t go under it, I stayed on top by declaring what was and is true. I believe, and Pastor Henry agreed that had I gone with the fear, anguish, and bitterness, that aneurysm would’ve had the right to be there.
  7. After going to my Father, I called my husband to stand with me, not someone else (Godly order).
  8. I went on with my life without a thought. I told a pastor for the reason of letting them know what was going on, not for attention or pity.
  9. I gave testimony as to when these principles are applied, it really works because they are straight from God’s Word and God’s Word is true!

God is so good! I am so thankful that His ways are not complicated or too hard. This doesn’t just apply to disease or illness, but to every dis-ease we have in our lives. I know, because I am walking out of other stuff too. I am so thankful for Be in Health® and what my family and I have learned.


Levenda Sommers

By Be in Health| 2018-10-09T17:55:57-05:00 November 8th, 2018|Overcoming, Testimony|0 Comments