Healed of Sleep Apnea

“The Bible is alive, God is alive and He still heals today!”

Healed of Sleep ApneaI went to For My Life® in August of 2018 for a spiritual tune-up. I’d seen For My Life® before when I did it online. My family and friends have received a lot of healing from the Lord through the teachings of Be in Health®. During the week, I learned so much. It is so peaceful in Thomaston and the Spirit is moving. One of the things that I discovered while going through For My Life this most recent time was an addiction that I didn’t realize was an addiction. It was a sin that I couldn’t get over and I realized that it was because of a mental addiction that I had. I know now how to overcome that!

It all started back in 2011. Before that, my wife had been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and she had it very bad. She had a 7 centimeter lesion on her spinal cord, she had spots on her brain and the doctor said, “She’s going to be in a wheelchair; she’s going to be blind.” That was the diagnosis. We lived with that for three years.

Then in 2011, my sister-in-law went to For My Life. Afterwards, she flew out to Seattle to minister to my wife (her sister). Within a month the Lord had completely healed my wife’s MS. She was completely transformed and the MS was gone!

Since then I’ve been healed of sleep apnea. My daughter has been healed of dyslexia. My son has been healed of allergies. In our extended family, we have seen asthma healed, eczema healed and flat feet healed. In our friends, we have seen Bi-polar, borderline schizophrenia, night paralysis, night terror, high blood pressure, panic attacks, anxiety attacks, gender disorder, female hair loss and leukemia ALL healed! It all happened within a two year span of time. It has been amazing!

Before going through For My Life I thought that I was a good Christian. My God was my theology. When my wife was healed of MS, I realized there was something more there that I didn’t know about. I read A More Excellent Way and that caused me to take off my theological glasses. I took off the hardline dispensational glasses that I have viewed the Scripture through and read the Bible for the first time without those lenses. The Bible came alive to me and I can’t see those hard dispensational lines that I had drawn in the Bible; I don’t see them anymore. The Bible is alive, God is alive and He still heals today.

Before reading A More Excellent Way and going through the For My Life® online course I thought that I was this great Christian guy because I didn’t have a lot of exterior sin. But the Holy Spirit has just revealed layer upon layer of sin that I had in my life that I didn’t actually realize. After two weeks of the Holy Spirit revealing that it was sin, and me confessing it, I was sleeping like a baby! The sleep apnea was gone. I threw away my sleep apnea device and I said, “I’m not going back to that!”

My life today is victorious, it is joyful, I spend at least an hour every day in the Word; enjoying it! I am enjoying all the things the Lord is showing me. I look for ministry opportunities all the time; I can’t get enough of them. I know that God is with me and moving and I have answers for people that aren’t getting answers from many churches. I can bring God’s healing to them and into their lives. I can’t wait to tell people!

When the Spirit of God moves on you to attend For My Life in Thomaston you should definitely go! The teaching is sound and it is fantastic. For many people (which included me) it is new; it is stuff we have not heard in churches. I recommend going to Thomaston, because it is so peaceful; the Lord is moving there. Everyone at Be in Health is so kind, loving and pleasant. You can feel free to confess sin and feel free to be yourself. It is just wonderful!

-Mike S., Monroe, Washington

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