God’s Love in the Darkest Time

June 13, 2019 – My phone rang. It was my sweet doctor. She said, “I don’t have very good news. You have invasive ductal carcinoma.” We spoke for a moment longer and then said our good byes. Breast cancer. I was numb.

For years, I had been aware of Be in Health®. I knew God loved me and wanted me well and healthy and had provided for that through His son Jesus. So, mixed with the diagnosis, the doctor appointments, and the research, there was the gut level “knowing” that I needed spiritual help and insight that only God could give me.

Breast cancer can be a scary diagnosis and I knew through these days that God did not want me to be scared – fearful – worried. He would guide me. He already was! On the very first day of diagnosis, He provided me with a scripture, Luke 12:2, which – as time went on – became a faith marker for me. He provided truth and encouragement for me before I understood it all and He built on it as I moved through the next weeks and months!

For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known. -Luke 12:2

Fast forward to July 24th when I received an email from a team member with Be in Health. I responded back to them with a short note telling them what I was facing. How amazing and cool is it that God had them email me? They suggested to me that I should try the phone ministry Be in Health has available called Spiritual Lifeline. They suggested I contact Spiritual Lifeline for specific ministry regarding the diagnosis I had been given. I had NO idea what to expect but made the call! After answering an extensive questionnaire, I was offered a ministry appointment on July 31st.

During that call, I experienced some teaching, interaction with the minister regarding specifics of my life, and recommendations as to what to discuss with our heavenly Father regarding the medical diagnosis I was facing. As the minister talked with me, immediately God revealed to me some sin He wanted me to deal with and that it was directly related to my health. That moment, He granted me repentance and gave me forgiveness. Immediately, He poured out His love on me and healed me from my sin.

The minister prayed with me and asked God to heal me. Over the next few days, I spent time with God, letting Him show me other issues and sin and letting Him heal me in several areas related to the diagnosis I had been given.

More and more over the next week, it became clearer that He had healed the breast cancer. He also made it clear that He had provided the bridge of my doctors and surgery to remove the small tumor where the cancer cells were located. Little did I know of the additional gift of emotional healing He planned to give me through reconstruction with my own tissue! What a gift! Truly a beautiful silver lining to the dark black cloud of a cancer diagnosis! AND the bonus was a clean slate with my heavenly Father and NO radiation OR chemotherapy!! According to my doctors – it was not necessary!

As this walk in healing has continued, God has provided to me another scripture that is precious and motivating as I go along.

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. FOR MY YOKE IS EASY AND MY BURDEN IS LIGHT!-Matthew 11:28-30

Truly, when God reveals what He requires of us, His yoke is easy and His burden is light. Just listen to Him and DO IT! There is a great miracle waiting on the other side! Thank you so much, Father!

Susanne B.

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