Is Someone or Something Getting Under Your Skin?

We are all familiar with the common bodily reactions when anger is present.  The face flushes, heart pounds, a possible headache and you get an adrenaline rush of the wrong kind. Fear prefers to run another physical route.  Shakes, palpitations, cramps, dizzy… and the list goes on.  What is the source of all these physical manifestation?  Your spirituality.

Our bodies are directly affected by our spirituality and thoughts. God has designed us to be in balance in all three areas of our creation—spirit, soul, and body. When we participate with spirits of fear and anxiety, our creation is out of balance for how He intended it to be. Fear, anxiety, stress are often overlooked realities in our lives. Most people that I deal with in ministry suppress these realities in the name of resisting the devil. They still fail to understand how these powerful forces daily gain access to our lives.

This connection came home to my own life in a very subtle way. I was teaching a seminar in Tacoma, Washington. We arrived late the night before and as we were trying to find the church and a grocery store and pull everything together, there, looming over us, was a huge, lighted marquee reading: “Dr. Henry Wright, Spiritual Roots of Disease Conference.” Now, I became troubled. At this time, I did not have my Doctorate degree I was simply a Pastor.

Later, while we were in the grocery store, I was still troubled about that sign. I remember saying, “Why did they have to put Dr. up there?” I began to itch and scratch. Within minutes, my body was covered in welts. I asked my wife Donna, “What is this?” She laughed and said, “You have hives. Did that Dr. sign get to you?” [tweet_box]She told me that I had a spiritual problem. “Get over there by the frozen food section and deal with it.”[/tweet_box]

She was right. I know this stuff. I teach this stuff! But, here I am on the disease end. I didn’t purchase Benadryl, and I didn’t go to the emergency room. I dealt with my spiritual stuff – fear of man, fear of failure, and fear of rejection. The pathway of spirit, soul, and body had been activated quickly and those hives were the biological fruit.

After recognizing this, taking responsibility, and repenting to God, I turned my attention to my enemy. [tweet_dis]I began to resist my enemy, and take my peace. [/tweet_dis]Within minutes, the itching stopped, and the hives were gone.

The first thing I did the next morning was to give my testimony of overcoming fear. One of the benefits of a person making peace with God, himself, and others is freedom from pesky skin problems.

If you suffer from hives, psoriasis, acne, rosacea, itching, burning, or eczema, maybe you too have gone down under a spiritual issue that’s disturbing your soul. There is hope at this level and it does not have to cost a cent for medications or therapy. It is time for spiritual discernment found in His Word.


– Dr. Henry Wright

By Be in Health| 2016-03-03T08:30:39-05:00 March 3rd, 2016|Dr. Henry Wright, Encouragement, Overcoming|0 Comments

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